Impact Privacy is proud to support Doctors in Distress

Dedicated to reducing burn-out and suicide amongst medical doctors, Doctors in Distress has four key objectives:

Culture change

Positively campaign for culture change within the medical profession to remove the stigma associated with doctor burn-out resulting from heavy workloads and operating in a high pressure and stressful environment.

Organisational responsibility

Encourage wider organisational responsibility for the working environment of doctors that includes the value of their mental wellbeing for the positive benefit of their employers, colleagues and patients.

Confidential resources

Direct doctors to approved and secure confidential resources for the provision of help with wellbeing, burn-out and stress.

Raise awareness

Raise awareness of burn-out and suicide in doctors to encourage society to have an improved consideration and understanding of the medical profession that cares for them.

We are proud to be supporting Doctors in Distress in their objectives and look forward to contributing in a very small way to their success by assisting with their privacy and data protection needs.

For more information, visit:

useful links

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

PAPERS and presentations

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.

An assisted living care home provides health support services to residents.


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