Data subject rights

Impact Privacy knows data subject rights. We review your processes to ensure compliance with complex data subject rights requirements across countries and business activities. Our data subject rights service stands on four pillars: transparency, subject access requests, other data subject rights, and complaints.  

TransparencyImpact Privacy develops public-facing privacy notices (transparency statements or privacy statements) in plain language for real people. We make sure the right information is provided to data subjects at the right time, so they understand what happens to their data and know who to contact if they need help. This kind of transparency is vital for patients when it comes to healthcare choices.

Subject Access RequestsWe design your Subject Access Requests (“SAR”) response processes so your business can meet obligations around providing access to data subjects. 

Other Data Subject RightsImpact Privacy helps create and manage responses and processes for other Data Subject Rights (“DSR”), such as deletion, cessation of processing, portability, automated processing and correction of inaccuracies. 

ComplaintsWe design policies and procedures for responding to privacy and data protection complaints. The steps include investigation, management, and response to complaints within prescribed timelines to ensure issues do not end up with regulators. 

Why Choose Impact Privacy?  

Impact Privacy identifies high-risk privacy and data protection exposure of your data subjects and your business. We dedicate ourselves to getting to know you and your team so we can provide workable solutions based on proven strategies in Europe, Canada, UK, US, and beyond. We believe in a flexible, client-focused approach to our work.   

Impact Privacy is on your team. 


“As a large employer, it is critical we have the appropriate procedures and resources to respond to requests from data subjects who exercise their data rights. Impact Privacy helped us design and resource a systematic way to address these requests in a way that not only meets legal requirements but significantly reduces their operational impact. Impact Privacy now manage these requests for us, meaning we can focus more on our day-to-day business.”

– Derrycourt


Learn more about what we can do for you.